Thursday, July 17, 2008

♥HE Will Give You Rest♥

[click to enlarge the image]
Finally!!! I've post again after 2 weeks I think :D
I found my golden time to post this time, and share
my thoughts online here in my blog. Well for this time
I just want to share an inspirational verse from a library
book, our BIBLE, where in this afternoon I attended a
mass and the Holy Gospel was taken from Matthew 11:28
[click the image to see the verse] I was so inspired
also by the homily of our chaplain Fr. Lino according to him
the parts of our body were so tired of doing such things.

Head- thinking something, someone, problems, questions.
Eyes- looking, watching, staring, glancing.
Nose- smelling good and bad smell.
Mouth- talking, gossip, singing, telling story.
Hands- handling, cooking, making things.
Feet- walking, going to somewhere.

And how about the inner part of our body..

Heart- tired of what, tired of hatred, sorrow.
Feelings- [kalooban] tired of problems, enviousness.

I think and rethink Fr. lino has a point, because for some
time I felt those kind of tiredness and believe me or not
tried and tested, when I'm about to go to our chapel or
even meditate alone in my room "I feel I' am at REST"
I feel the comfort the realization I've done wrong, things I
need to fix. Talking to Him alone relieve the pains, crying
with Him relieve the emptiness, you can feel you have your
companion, it's HIM. For this post I feel comfort to share this
to you guys, maybe somehow you can try it on your own to
Come to Him and feel you at Rest!!!:D

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