Friday, May 30, 2008


May is the season for the good harvest of flower
and also in Catholic like me it's the time for the
celebration of Flores de Mayo or what we called
Santacruzan were we commemorate the event
were in Queen Elena explore Jerusalem just to
find the cross were Jesus was crucified and she
fortunately found it with his little son Constantine.
And now, I would like share to you my experience
of being Reyna, hehehe :D It's fun and a great :D
experience being a reyna, because you do it for the
tradition of being a Catholic, you need to prepare
your feet for the long walked and also for your gown
and make up so this what I look as Reyna Veronica,
And also with my bestfriend Labnyl as Reyna Empe-
rattriz and her sister Justlyn as Reyna Mora and her
friend Maan as Reyna Paz... here it is look: [:D shy!]

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