Saturday, April 19, 2008

♥Codex Iuris Canonici♥

I found this book of Canon Law interesting and
mysterious, it's about law of the Latin Church
the Roman Catholic, just like our constitution
it give guide to the whole community of God
especially to the Roman Faithful. Btw my religion
was Roman Catholic and I' m gonna die as Catholic
I found this religion very truthful to me, I love it
as I love God. I believe in this religion, that the way
to God is salvation you will only save by God thru
salvation[pagbabalik loob mo sa Dyos] :D The
feeling that your safe with God and comfortable in
the side of God, telling Him every act you've done
even wrong or right, crying out to ease what you
feel now, in there you can feel the presence of God
is with us. I hope this will be my good sharing of
my experience as a follower of God...ciao! xoxoxo

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